Rocketbot in G2

Leaders in Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

We obtained 4 badges for the best platform chosen by our clients and users. We achieved more than 4.6 star rating.

G2 has recognized Rocketbot as one of the leaders in RPA.

In the new 2021 G2 Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation, Rocketbot once again ranks high among all vendors evaluated for ability to execute.


Ease of Use


Quality of Support


Ease of Setup

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Tell us a little about yourself

    Por favor, prueba que eres humano seleccionando el coche.

    Rocketbot se compromete a proteger los datos personales, que estos no serán ni vendidos ni compartidos por ningún motivo. Rocketbot y sus trabajadores se harán responsables de asegurar la seguridad, integridad y confidencialidad de la información que usted pueda entregarnos.

      Rocketbot is committed to protecting personal data, which will not be sold or shared for any reason. Rocketbot and its workers will be responsible for ensuring the security, integrity and confidentiality of the information that you can provide us.

        A Rocketbot está comprometida em proteger os dados pessoais, que não serão vendidos ou compartilhados por qualquer motivo. A Rocketbot e seus funcionários serão responsáveis ​​por garantir a segurança, integridade e confidencialidade das informações que você nos fornecer.